With a world full of fascinating creatures, some of them boast an impressive lifespan of 100 to 300 years. Curious about which animals defy time? In this list, we explore eight remarkable species that have stood the test of time, showcasing their longevity and resilience in the animal kingdom.


Greenland Shark

Longevity: 300+ years

The Greenland Shark is a remarkable species known for its exceptional longevity, with some individuals believed to live for over 300 years. Clearly, these creatures possess a slow metabolism and mature at a late age, contributing to their exceptional lifespan.

Deep-sea predator

For the Greenland Shark, life thrives in the depths of the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans, making it a true deep-sea predator. These elusive creatures primarily inhabit cold, deep waters, where they hunt a variety of prey, including fish, seals, and even small whales.


Sharks are apex predators in their environment, equipped with keen senses and a powerful body to navigate the dark, cold waters they call home.

The Greenland Shark’s unique physiology allows it to survive in extreme conditions, making it a fascinating subject of study for marine biologists and researchers.


Ocean Quahog

Clam species

Clearly, the Ocean Quahog, scientific name Arctica islandica, is a remarkable clam species known for its impressive lifespan. These marine bivalve mollusks can live for centuries in the cold Atlantic waters, making them one of the longest-living animals on the planet.

Centuries-old specimens

Clearly, if you were to research into the depths of the ocean, you might come across some truly ancient Ocean Quahog specimens. These clams have been known to reach ages of 400 years or more, with one particular individual recorded at a staggering 507 years old.

If you were to open up one of these centenarian clams, you would find growth rings similar to those of a tree, allowing scientists to accurately determine their age. These findings have provided valuable insight into the longevity and environmental conditions of these fascinating creatures.

Bowhead Whale

Arctic Inhabitant

Even in the harsh climate of the Arctic, the bowhead whale thrives as a majestic creature that can live for centuries. You’ll find these immense mammals gracefully navigating the icy waters, using their robust bodies to break through the thick sea ice with ease.


Over 200 Years

While most animals have a limited lifespan, the bowhead whale is an outlier in the animal kingdom, with some individuals believed to live over 200 years. These remarkable creatures have been known to endure the changing Arctic environment and adapt to survive for centuries.


The bowhead whale’s longevity can be attributed to its slow metabolism, late maturity, and ability to store ample energy in its blubber, making it one of the longest-lived mammals on Earth. These remarkable creatures have fascinated scientists and researchers for years, offering valuable insights into the secrets of aging and longevity in the animal kingdom.


Aldabra Giant Tortoise

Island dweller

To the Aldabra Giant Tortoise, the pristine beaches and lush vegetation of the Aldabra Atoll in the Seychelles are home. This majestic creature has adapted to thrive in this remote island paradise, where it can roam freely without natural predators.

Lives centuries

Even among the remarkable longevity of giant tortoises, the Aldabra variety stands out for its ability to live for centuries. On average, these tortoises can reach 150 years old, with some individuals documented to have surpassed the 200-year mark. Their slow metabolism and low reproductive rate contribute to their exceptional lifespan.


Lives spent leisurely grazing on vegetation and basking in the sun have allowed these ancient reptiles to witness generations come and go on the Aldabra Atoll. The conservation efforts in place on the island ensure that these magnificent creatures will continue to amaze us with their longevity for generations to come.

Rougheye Rockfish

Pacific native

If you’ve ever dived into the depths of the Pacific Ocean, you might have come across the mysterious Rougheye Rockfish. This fascinating creature is native to the cold, deep waters off the coast of North America, particularly in the Pacific Northwest.


Up to 200 years

Clearly, the Rougheye Rockfish is no ordinary fish. With a lifespan that can reach up to 200 years, these ancient creatures have witnessed centuries pass by in the dark, underwater world they call home. Their slow growth rate and longevity make them a unique and intriguing species worthy of study and admiration.

With their reddish-brown bodies and distinctive rough eyes, these rockfish can grow to impressive sizes, reaching up to 3 feet in length. Despite their longevity, Rougheye Rockfish face threats from overfishing and habitat destruction, highlighting the importance of conservation efforts to protect these remarkable creatures for future generations to appreciate.


Red Sea Urchin

Long-lived echinoid

An echinoderm commonly found in the Pacific Ocean, the Red Sea Urchin is known for its exceptional longevity, with some individuals living up to 200 years. Not only do these creatures have a lengthy lifespan, but they also play a vital role in maintaining the balance of the marine ecosystem.

Can reach 200

While many species of sea urchins have relatively short lifespans, the Red Sea Urchin stands out for its ability to reach up to 200 years of age. With slow growth rates and low natural mortality, these creatures have evolved unique mechanisms to survive for centuries in their ocean habitats.


A highly specialized diet consisting mainly of algae and seaweed contributes to the Red Sea Urchin’s longevity. Their ability to extract vital nutrients from marine vegetation allows them to thrive in nutrient-poor environments, adding to their remarkable resilience and longevity.


Reptilian ancient

The tuatara, a reptile endemic to New Zealand, is often mistaken for a lizard but belongs to its own distinct order. Unlike most reptiles, tuataras have a unique third eye on the top of their head, called a parietal eye, which helps regulate their circadian rhythm.


Over 100 years

On average, tuataras can live up to 100 years in the wild, with some individuals reaching the impressive age of 200 years. It is believed that their slow metabolism and low body temperature contribute to their longevity.

It is fascinating to note that tuataras are known for their slow growth rate, taking up to 35 years to reach sexual maturity. This delayed development may also play a role in their extended lifespan.


Koi Fish

Ornamental carp

Now, let’s probe into the world of the mesmerizing Koi fish, also known as ornamental carp. These stunning fish are not only popular for their vibrant colors and beautiful patterns, but also for their impressive lifespan.

Longevity: 200+

To witness the full potential of a Koi fish’s longevity, you must look at those that live beyond the 200-year mark. With proper care, these graceful creatures have been known to thrive for over two centuries, making them one of the longest-living species on the planet.


It is truly remarkable to think that a Koi fish can be a lifelong companion, passing down through generations and becoming a cherished part of a family’s history. Their ability to withstand the test of time is a testament to their resilience and adaptability in various aquatic environments.

Final Words

Presently, it is fascinating to learn about the long lifespans of these 8 unique animals that live between 100 and 300 years.


From the Greenland Shark to the Galapagos Giant Tortoise, each of these creatures has adapted to their environment to live such long lives. Studying these animals can provide valuable insights into longevity and the aging process, offering inspiration for researchers exploring ways to extend human lifespan.

As we continue to learn more about these remarkable creatures, we can further appreciate the wonders of the animal kingdom and the secrets they hold about longevity.